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Supporting Small Business

Supporting Small Business

"Don't worry if your job is small and your rewards few.  Remember that the mighty oak was once a nut like you."  

Source Unknown

What's Needed?

Starting your successful business initially is mainly down to a good idea and hard work.  However once the business is established there is an increasing requirement for various support services which are essential not only to expand your business but also to keep it running smoothly and efficiently.

Many smaller businesses struggle to perform these functions alongside their core business activities.  Indeed these support roles are often delegated to an inexperienced member of staff or performed by the proprietor / manager  outside normal business hours.

P&A has an in depth experience of the various issues involved and can provide the expertise necessary to help the business achieve their goals without any sacrifice in lifestyle.

Some of the types of services we provide are listed on the side of this page but this is only a guide.  Whilst we don't profess to be experts in all areas we have over 14 years experience of running our own small business in a highly regulated environment - if we don't have the solution - we know where to find it out.